Pacific Island Knowledge 2 Action Resources In the News

Kumu Hina Review by RitaLove
Kumu Hina Review by RitaLove
Let me take a sip of my coffee, get settled in, and do my damnedest to give a fair, honest, truthful review of this, in what is my OWN personal opinion, an amazing documentary. Just a fair warning, if you’re homophobic, transgender phobic, transsexual phobic, transvestite phobic, this may NOT be the review for you. You can jump out now before this review dares to open up a window in that mind and change it to a more tolerable one, lol.
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In Football We Trust-Film Review
In Football We Trust-Film Review
  In celebration of the 1st Tongan film included at Sundance Film Festival we thought this would be a great time to add a space for Pacific Islanders to share views on movies they have seen.   How does the movie speak to you,? how does it make you feel? How does it align with our traditional cultures? Please email your reviews to info@PIK2AR. info In celebration of the 1st Tongan film in Sundance Film Festival is our 1st movie review with more to come.
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